Unfortunately, life is unpredictable. A person may find themselves in comfortable financial standing one day, only to have their entire financial situation altered by a motor vehicle accident. When someone is determined to be at fault for an auto accident, they often have to pay a steep price tag to make up for the accident. However, this debt can sometimes be seemingly insurmountable, and eventually, a motorist may even be at risk of losing their driver’s license. Fortunately, bankruptcy may be a viable option to help handle this debt and ensure a person can keep their driver’s license. Read on and contact the Arnold Law Firm to learn more.
It may not be the first solution you think of when struggling with debts incurred by a motor vehicle accident, but bankruptcy allows drivers to pay off fines and other debts while retaining their licenses. If this sounds like an option for you, please don’t hesitate to speak with a dedicated Shelby County, TN bankruptcy lawyer from our legal team so we can help you explore your options.
At the Arnold Law Firm, we help people in Memphis and western Tennessee solve legal and financial problems. We handle a variety of practice areas, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and combine the skill, experience, and network of resources necessary to help people find sustainable solutions.
Many of our peers handling criminal defense matters turn to us when their clients face substantial debts or a suspended driver’s license from court costs and fines. Perhaps you were involved in an accident and didn’t have insurance, and you have been sued by the other driver’s insurance company, or your license has been suspended.
Depending on the circumstances, Chapter 13, or wage earner’s bankruptcy, may be an option for gradually paying off your debt and retaining your driver’s license. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can often eliminate debt from an accident and get your license back. No matter your circumstances, the Arnold Law Firm is here to assist you if you’ve incurred significant financial debt following an auto accident.
If you are facing a pile of court fines, are being sued by the insurance company, and stand to lose your driver’s license, you are in the right place. Contact the Arnold Law Firm today to schedule your free initial consultation with our experienced Memphis bankruptcy firm. We are here to help you in any way we can.
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