Anyone can find themselves facing mounting debt and dwindling options to pay it off. When bills pile up and harassing calls from debt collectors make everyday life a nightmare, filing for bankruptcy can help you get a fresh start. There are different types of bankruptcy, known as Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 11, and each eliminates debt in different ways. Whether you are a consumer or a business owner, if you are struggling financially, the Arnold Law Firm is here to help you in any way we can. Contact a seasoned Shelby County, TN bankruptcy lawyer from our legal team today so we can explore your options.
At the Arnold Law Firm, we are dedicated to helping individuals, families, and businesses throughout Memphis take control of their debts and achieve a fresh financial start. For many, bankruptcy can feel like a last resort, but in most cases, bankruptcy provides the most effective means for paying down and discharging debts.
Because there are numerous misconceptions attached to bankruptcy, it is important to speak with attorneys who can give you the facts regarding the types of filings and the protections provided and develop a strategy for remaining debt-free. If you have any questions about bankruptcy in Tennessee or you think you are ready to initiate the process, look no further than the Arnold Law Firm for help.
Creditor calls, collection notices, foreclosure actions, and wage garnishments are some of the actions creditors take to recover debts. For those feeling the effects of collection actions, our Memphis, TN consumer bankruptcy lawyer can help by outlining strategies for silencing creditors, protecting your assets, and navigating the bankruptcy process:
Here at the Arnold Law Firm, we proudly provide consumers facing financial hardships with services pertaining to the following:
The Arnold Law Firm also proudly guides owners of small, medium, and large-sized businesses through the bankruptcy process. If you need help with any of the following, simply reach out to our seasoned Memphis, TN business bankruptcy lawyer.
If your business is facing financial turmoil, the Arnold Law Firm is here to help you find a real, permanent solution. We have years of experience representing business owners who want another shot at financial freedom, and we are here to put that experience to work for you.
It may not come as a surprise to you to learn that a significant portion of Americans finds themselves in some type of debt. For this reason, the Arnold Law Firm provides effective debt relief services to clients in Memphis and throughout the state of Tennessee. We can help you with the following types of debt:
If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to turn to a highly skilled Memphis, TN debt relief lawyer from the Arnold Law Firm today. There are a variety of scams out there that claim to rid clients of debt without needing to hire a lawyer. Do not trust these services. Our firm has in-depth knowledge of all facets of bankruptcy law and can work to attain a legally-binding solution on your behalf.
If you are struggling with back taxes, stand to lose your car or home, or are avoiding answering the phone because of harassment from creditors, it is important to work with a lawyer who can help you protect your property. At the Arnold Law Firm, we take a personalized approach to resolving debt and other financial problems. We understand that bankruptcy is never a pleasant undertaking, but we have also witnessed the relief our clients’ experience once they achieve a fresh financial start.
When you sit down with us, we will listen as you share your story. With all the facts in place, we can outline options, explain the bankruptcy process, and guide you toward the most effective strategy for getting out from under your debt burden, all while keeping you updated, every step of the way. The bottom line is that if you find yourself in an overwhelming amount of debt, you have come to the right place. Our consultations are free, and we handle bankruptcy matters on behalf of clients in Memphis and throughout Tennessee, including Fayette County, Tipton County, Bartlett, Germantown, Lakeland, and Millington. Contact a Shelby County, TN bankruptcy lawyer from the Arnold Law Firm today so we can get working on your case.
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